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Showing posts from September, 2017

Wi-Fi and it's effect on human helth

At present day we all Know what is Wi-Fi?  And how important is this technology on our day to day life? Online life, rather I should say. Jokes apart,  Wi-Fi technology becomes the integral part of our daily life since its introduction in 1997. But are we completely aware about it's ill effect on our health? The answer is 'no'.   Today we will discuss this topic on my post.   The scientists and research scholars have performed countless experiment to explore it. And the results are very shocking. In a nutshell it can be said that Wi-Fi can effect horribly over our health especially in children. Wi-Fi  creates a electromagnetic filed and those who are exposed to this electro magnetic radiation suffer from insomnia quite a lot. The development of hypertension and depression have also been linked with this. The electromagnetic radiation caused by Wi-Fi can stop the cell growth partially or completely. It horribly damages the brain cells and markedly reduce bra...


  It is a noncancerous tumor mainly found in the breast of the women aged under 30.   They are composed mainly of stromal and epithelial tissues.    We all know that breasts are made up of milk producing glands known as lobules and ducts. All this arrangements are surrounded by some fatty tissues.   Fibroadenoma started to develop from the lobules and ducts and spread all over it to form a solid structure commonly  known as lump. The lumps often highly mobile in the breast. This is the main difference with breast cancer.   It occurs mainly due to the hormonal imbalance.  Estrogen may responsible for this type of noncancerous growth. This can grow during the time of pregnancy and menopause.   Fibroadenoma can be classified into two types. 1. Simple : Purely noncancerous. 2. Complex : They have slight tendency to turn into cancer. Breast ultrasound and mammogram tests may be used to diagnose Fibroadenoma.  But after diagnosis th...


We all know our cell membrane possesses different types of protein some of them are peripheral and others are integral. Aquaporin are integral proteins found in the cells which help to transport water from one cell to another. According to their function they are named as water channel .    Just take a look at their name Aquaporin , here Aqua means water and porin means pore or channel. So it is clear from there name, that they form pores on the surface of biological membranes, and mainly water transports through it.    This channels are composed mainly of six transmembrane Alpha helices. As they are integral proteins so they embedded in the cell membrane, the amino and carboxyl ends face the inside half of the cell.    Aquaporin creats four part clusters in the cell membrane, they are the monomers and all of them serves as water channel.   In mammals there are 13 known types are present ,it is astonishing that among them 6 are present in kidney ...

Nerve Gas

  These are one one kind of phosphorus containing organic chemicals (known as organophosphate ) which distrupt the total procedure of neuro muscular transmission by inhibiting the enzyme Acetyl choline estarase at the synaptic cleft.   Nerve gases divide into two subclasses 1. G series : Tabun,  Satin,  Soman are common among them. 2. V series : VE,  VG,  VM, VR.   Some insecticides such as Dichlorvos , Parathion , Malathion fall in this genre.

Zollinger -Ellison syndrome

  This is a very rare condition where small tumors known as Gastrinoma developed in the digestive tract. Specially on the Stomach but in the other part also like small intestine , Pancreas etc.     This tumors secrete Gastrin which is a hormone, in large amount. Gastrin stimulates gastric acid secretion a great deal. The excessive secretion of gastric acid try to neutralize the mucous membrane on the inner part of the stomach and therefore causes inflammation here and there which ultimately turn into ulcer. In common tounge we called it gastric ulcer .     Once a people got effected with this syndrome are often hard to cure.     This syndrome can appear at any age but the people in between 30 - 60 age group are more vulnerable to this.     Once developed the tumours can spread upto liver and lymph nodes and turn to cancer.


   Gallbladder is a tiny little organ located between the liver , pancreas and small intestine. This organ is very helpful to store and secrete bile for metabolism and absorption of food stuff (specially fat).     But when due to some abnormal conditions some solid material forms inside the gallbladder termed as gall stones.     Originally they are not real 'stones', they actually a clump of cholesterol ( formed 80% of the cases called as chosterol stones ) or billirubin molecule (rest 20% often known as pigment stones ).   There are no such medicine for make the stone out of our Gall bladder. The only way is to remove, is surgery.   In case of surgery two different kinds of techniques are used -      1. Laproscopic cholecystectomy      2. Open cholecystectomy .