Gallbladder is a tiny little organ located between the liver , pancreas and small intestine. This organ is very helpful to store and secrete bile for metabolism and absorption of food stuff (specially fat).
But when due to some abnormal conditions some solid material forms inside the gallbladder termed as gall stones.
Originally they are not real 'stones', they actually a clump of cholesterol ( formed 80% of the cases called as chosterol stones ) or billirubin molecule (rest 20% often known as pigment stones ).
There are no such medicine for make the stone out of our Gall bladder. The only way is to remove, is surgery.
In case of surgery two different kinds of techniques are used -
1. Laproscopic cholecystectomy
2. Open cholecystectomy.
We all know our cell membrane possesses different types of protein some of them are peripheral and others are integral. Aquaporin are integral proteins found in the cells which help to transport water from one cell to another. According to their function they are named as water channel . Just take a look at their name Aquaporin , here Aqua means water and porin means pore or channel. So it is clear from there name, that they form pores on the surface of biological membranes, and mainly water transports through it. This channels are composed mainly of six transmembrane Alpha helices. As they are integral proteins so they embedded in the cell membrane, the amino and carboxyl ends face the inside half of the cell. Aquaporin creats four part clusters in the cell membrane, they are the monomers and all of them serves as water channel. In mammals there are 13 known types are present ,it is astonishing that among them 6 are present in kidney ...
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